Lesson 11: This is the way | Class 3 | Evs Textbook | Solutions


Here are the answers to the “Improve Your Learning” section from the lesson This is the Way (Class 3 EVS):

I. Conceptual Understanding (Tell and Write)

1. Name the four directions.

• East

• West

• North

• South

2. What do you see in the four directions of your school?

DirectionWhat You See
In the EastPlayground
In the WestTemple
In the NorthRoad
In the SouthShops

3. What helps us to locate an address in our village or a city?

• Landmarks like schools, hospitals, temples, and post offices help in locating an address.

• Maps and GPS are also useful for finding locations.

II. Questioning

4. What questions would you ask your teacher to draw the map of your village by using symbols?

• What symbols should we use for roads, schools, and parks?

• How do we show rivers or lakes on the map?

• Can we mark important places like the post office and police station?

• How do we indicate the four directions on the map?

III. Experiments and Field Observations

5. Name some landmarks of your village and write to which side they are to your school.

LandmarkDirection from School
Bus StopWest

IV. Information Skills – Project Work

6. Visit a nearby house and fill in the table given below with the observations.

ObservationHouse 1House 2House 3
Main door directionEastNorthWest
Tap / Borewell / Well directionSouthEastWest
Open field space directionNorthWestSouth
Road directionWestSouthEast

V. Drawing Pictures and Model Making

7. Draw your house. Then colour the North in red, South in blue, East in orange, and West in green.

8. Draw your school. Draw the school building and the main rooms in it.

VI. Appreciation

9. Have you ever helped someone by giving them the right directions to reach their destination? How did you feel?

• Yes, I once helped a visitor find their way to the hospital in my village.

• I felt happy and proud that I could assist someone.

10. How do you feel when you watch the sunrise or sunset?

• The sunrise makes me feel fresh and energetic.

• The sunset looks beautiful and makes me feel peaceful.


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